The Incarnation of Don Franco III Games

Don Franco III Games is an independent game company focusing on fantasy and sci-fi card games, boards games, role-playing games (RPGs), Table-Top RPG (TTRPG) games.

It all started with this 8-year-old who fell in love with fantasy, nonfiction, and sci-fi role playing games with pencil, paper, dice, cards, and boards. Between ages 8-10 my neighborhood friend had all these games and I played with him all the time. When I moved away, I could no longer play or afford to buy the games myself. Stuck at home and bored, I began developing my own RPGs to play with my younger brother.

When I became old enough to work, I began buying RPGs and started creating worlds and adventures. My next step was to find worthy foes for my homebrew campaigns. I would spot small bands of people from time to time and approach them however, always disappointed to find out they were not RPGeans (people who play RPGs). My brother was my test subject for years until I went to college. Things began to get bleak.

I traveled the desolate earth for eons looking for my RPGean people. These years were my dark ages of tabletop RPG gaming. My brain came to the brink of RPG extinction. To survive, I took on the persona of Don Franco III to play online fantasy and sci-fi video games. It was enough to keep my RPG brain from becoming too frail and perishing. I crawled along the cursed earth. until dawn broke in 2016.

A hit TV show brought new players to the foreground. “That game on the streaming service with the kids? yeah I’ll play” said these new comers. So I obliged. Drinking as much of the RPG water that I could. I didn’t realize how thirsty I had been until that moment.

These new comers, they loved the games but, they wanted more. They wanted to play games based on other fantasy streaming shows, and movies. I created many games using different mechanics. “You’re really good at making games. Have you ever considered making one of your own” said one RPGean. <ting> <light bulb>. So, it began, Don Franco III Games. I started working on several games. First game launched at GenCon2023.

Monster Conquest: Pocket RPG was a success at GenCon2023 and we sold many copies. I will be at many smaller cons until the kraken of game cons comes again, GenCon.

Thank you for reading it all the way through. Your MY hero. Get on our emailing list for expansions and new games coming soon.